Miss Liz Creates

By MissLizCreates

What did you do today?

So many times at the end of the day I feel like I didn't do anything. I didn't cross anything off of my personal to do list. 

 I wrote 15 emails that were 1 page or longer (or created an attachment of 3+ pages, one was 10 pages!)

I helped translate the legal documents of our foundation into English. The Thai interns tried putting it into English and I helped come behind them to make sure it made sense and was accurate. This picture captures the changes that were made to their original document. 

I spent a hour per page....each intern was given a portion to translate and this will continue later this week. (I have already been helping them for a little over a week now....)

My brain is fried (a fun new phrase I taught the interns).

I'm certainly going to sleep well tonight! 

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