Born Late 58

By Born_Late_58

Bunbury Staircase Locks, Shropshire Union Canal

Returning from a day's meeting, we stopped off at Bunbury to have a look at the Staircase Locks.  Although there are only two locks, we were fortunate enough to get there just as a Narrow Boat passed down through the complex.  It's fascinating to stand and watch a vessel navigate such a object - everyone should see such an event once at least.

The narrow boat was crewed by an elderly couple who had sold their farm in order to fund the purchase of their boat.  With the husband at the tiller, his wife was charged with doing all the heavy manual work, opening the sluice gates - he swore that his wife didn't want to steer the boat and preferred the heavy tasks.

The woman was suitably dressed to endure the squally weather of the day, with a raincoat wrapped around her and the hood closed up with only a small porthole on the world.  I snapped her as she crossed the bridge after her final chore at Bunbury.

By the way, never call them "long boats" - a former colleague was always quick to remind folks that they were for vikings.

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