It must be a week .......

of firsts!

I have been lucky enough to be able to photograph three new (for me!) bird species in the past few days. 

First on Saturday there was the bluebird.   Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments!

Then on Sunday there was what I have identified as a Pomeranian Goose.

Now today I have captured a Northern Flicker thanks to the eagle eyes on my better half.  He spotted this flicker on the suet in the back yard and told me about it.  Of course, I had to grab my camera and was able to get a few shots of him before he flew off!

So, I wonder what's next?  A fox perhaps?  That's definitely on my "to be" photographed list! 

As I am typing this up it's snowing like the devil outside!  I guess March is going out like a lion instead of a lamb! 

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