I went down to the beach this morning intending to take photographs of the beach huts, but on the way saw these two children having a wonderful time with a stream of water, which I assume comes down from the chine behind the apartments where we are staying.  

The beach huts will still be there tomorrow, but the children may not, so they are my blip for today.

It was a lovely sunny day, but the wind was still very cold, so I didn’t stay out for long, but isn’t it amazing that however cold it is, children don’t seem to notice.  

I remember when our boys were quite small, on a cold and grey summer's day, Mr. HCB and I sat next to a rock on a deserted Cornwall beach, sheltering from the wind and watching them running down to the sea, collecting water in their buckets.  They were wearing just their swimming trunks, while we were shivering even though we were wearing anoraks and were well wrapped up - and it still happens!  Oh to have young blood again!

I hope that whatever you do today, you manage to stay out of the wind, enjoy the sunshine and play!

“We are never more fully alive, 
more completely ourselves, 
or more deeply engrossed in anything, 
than when we are at play.” 
Charles E Schaefer

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