Oddball day!

Task... Take friends iPhone to Apple store to be unlocked...Seemples!
WRong!...Arrived at big fruit store, got as far as Genius bar, told happy chappie my problem.
Show me phone says he, I duly opened box...No bloody phone!! Then I remembered i didn't put the blighter in box so it must still be languishing in bottom of overnight bag.
Much laughter from Genius bar people. Said its first time anyone ever turned up with an empty box.
Slunk off back to house, rummaged frantically in bag and there indeed at bottom in among my socks and underwear was the frigging phone staring up at me with it's blank face.
Decided then to get lunch before going back to the Apple store.
Went to my usual wee eatery and was served by a sullen wench who took my order wrong. Tutted when it was pointed out.
Twenty minutes later food arrived but was rubbish.
Went to pay, asked if they were under new management, yes, why?
Cause your food and service are poor. He told me to leave and not return and didn't charge. I won't be back
Then back to the Apple store, ten minutes later and stupid phone fixed.
Return to house to find yummy mummy with big Merc parked up against my bumper.
Stood in street looking for someone to attack when she appeared and moved her crappy Merc.

Now heading back to peaceful Argyll hopefully event free!

Ok so I was wrong, went out & van didn't want to start! cursed it and put a spell on it and it started. Then when I was coming out the junction to turn right up Clarence Dr another car was coming out Lauderdale Gdns to go down Clarence dr, I let him out but it meant he had to put his nose out into the oncoming traffic so he almost hit the car coming down! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the driver of the wee car he almost hit, it was an old boy & his wife from Oban! Being as I had my big camper van backside sticking out onto the middle of the road, the old boy was giving me daggers, fortunatley (I hope) he didn't recognise me, I will know the next time I see him in Oban no doubt!

Home safe now so if anyone is looking for me 
I will be under my big black furry blanket on the sofa which is where I go to hide when the big bad world gets too much for me!

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