House work and Hearts.

Had a very busy morning at work and a very early start. And ended up changing a nappy sitting on the floor in Morrisons! Long storey!

My laptop came back from repair last night. All seems to be well. The USB board was replaced. No hissing so far!

Then spent the afternoon doing housework and moving all my hanging clothes back into the 'spare room' wardrobe now that DN1 has settled well into her new home and won't need to come back to Mummy! !!

This Heart and piccys have been put up in the 'Spare Room'. Seems sad it's no longer called 'Emily's room'. I should really call it the anti snore room as Mr W spends quite a lot of time in there getting away from the fog horn that is me! I need to hurry up and loose this weight!

xXx ♡ xXx

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