Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

Today's Auction Haul...

Just back from the auction having spent the morning in a freezing cold ex-Church...but thoroughly enjoyed the morning...
This is today's haul minus a pretty piece of Scottish silver which I decided not to photograph as it's going to Australia for my sister (who often checks out this journal - sorry Loraine - no sneaky peek for you!)
We got a very pretty silver bracelet, two rather nice silver drinks mats made up of over sized coins, a lovely Scandinavian Silver spoon from Norway, a large lot of old crowns, a very pretty Edinburgh crystal miniature clock and a Goebels lead crystal elephant...not a bad morning's work..
We do love these auctions as you get to know the characters who attend regularly and the one lady in particular who just hoovers up all the jewellery, silver and ornaments, she spends a fortune every month!

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