A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Lift Off

Jacqui finished work early today, so I pottered down to Gibraltar to meet her in our favourite haunt Sacarello's for a spot of lunch.

The airport was busy when I crossed into Gib and needed to traverse the runway to get to town.

First, this Monarch flight departed, followed a few minutes later by an Easyjet arrival.

All in all, I waited behind the barrier for 15 minutes before being allowed to walk across the runway and go up Main Street. After a bit of shopping we met, had our lunch and then after a quick visit to Morrisons, we returned to Spain, this time with me on the back of Jacqui's scooter.

The kids are coming for a late supper, so that Lloyd can borrow his Mum's car. Everywhere is busying up for the weekend now, so peace and quiet is fast becoming a memory!

P.S. Many thanks for the stars, hearts and comments for yesterday's image. They are always very much appreciated.

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