Birthday Girl

27 years ago (on Easter Saturday!!) I gave birth to our beautiful daughter, Lucy. I was very lucky that my births were incredibly quick. However, as Lucy was my first and 3 weeks early I wasn't really sure on what to expect. Mr C called for an ambulance, they arrived had a peep and requested another ambulance to bring midwives. They arrived and said they will take me to hospital and she was born about an hour later. As we had recently moved to a very small, quiet cul de sac I could imagine all the curtain twitchers marvelling at the excitement.

Lucy has spent the day with Rebecca, who had to keep a secret that Lucy's dear friend, over from Dubai, had organised some amazing surprise treats for them all. First a visit to the Ice Bar in London, then afternoon tea at a posh hotel. Finishing with watching Matilda the musical. I can't wait to hear all about it.

Happy birthday Lucy :-)

Have a good evening!

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