Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Good Thursday

Not going in to work at the crack of dawn was nice today, and there was a very chilled atmosphere in the office with a near deafening silence on the email front as so many people were off on holiday. There were still plenty of people around so we had one of our Fish and Chip Club meetings, and I came back from the local chippy with a hundred and four pounds worth of cod, chips, saveloys and other sundry items.

The saveloy has an interesting history originally emanating from Switzerland where it was made  principally from pig's brains. The legal difference between a saveloy and a frankfurter is length, the former being 19 inches and the latter 26 inches, although both are too big to fit in your mouth in one go.

Which brings me to the highlight of the forthcoming Easter weekend, the ITV3 Carry On season which was much debated at work. I was surprised that so few people shared my view that Carry On Up The Khyber was pre-eminent in this genre, and appalled that someone actually claimed Carry On At Your Convenience as the the top of the smut and toilet humour British cultural tree. Tsk.

Great Face Time with the Girl Racer tonight, pictured here before going off to the slopes in the Canadian ski resort of Whistler. I swear her preparation time was longer than that of a 1970s astronaut, although she does at least avoid the indignity of peeing in her jumpsuit.

Tonight I be mostly cleaning as I want to go to bed with clean sheets and wake up to a spotless house when I indulge my Easter ritual of hot cross buns for breakfast on Good Friday ...

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