You have control

A Gliding Term used in flying lessons when you give control to the student - As I was tied up at work all day with no hope of searching out any shots for the last day of Sarum Stroller's DerelictThursday  Challenge  I gave Mr T control of the camera and  asked him to take a few photos of anything of a derelict  nature whilst he was at the model flying field;   in the odd moment when he wasn't executing loops, chandelles or other demanding flying skills he found a few items which fitted the bill nicely, lots of rusty old farm machinery, some old railway carriages now used for storage, a rusty old swing seat with no cushions, a once lovely old carved wardrobe, and quite alot of other interesting things but, of course,  I felt obliged to choose something with an aviation feel, so went for this discarded spat from an aircraft of unknown lineage.

Thank you everyone for all your kind and lovely comments, stars and hearts for HareBrain's 1000th Blip yesterday - touched and glowing with Blip love!

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