
By Simac

Sundial 1835

This sundial is fixed on the Ebenezer Chapel at Hebden Bridge which was built in 1777. From 1857 until1883 it became a Sunday School. It was sold after the first World War and had various other uses until 1973 when, after being the offices of the Hebden Bridge Times, it became the village Arts Centre, which it still is today.

The latitude and declination are both inscribed on this dial, together with a motto which reads ‘Quod Petis Umbra Est’ (What thou seekest is a shadow). Unusually for a vertical dial, it is flanked on each side by EoT corrections for 38 dates in the year.
The Equation of Time is required to adjust the time cast by the shadow to match clock time because the Earth's orbit around the Sun refuses to be held hostage by our conception of 'regular' time!

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