Quad burn

These are my quads - well hidden by my pj bottoms. I ventured out on my bike today! For the first time since having Noo!!!' It was one of those things I never thought I'd do again, but I'd forgotten just how great it is!!!!!! I had planned to go a mile down the road and back up, but I ended up doing almost 9 miles. I had forgotten that 'quad burn' you get when climbing a hill on a bike! Ouch!! But I didn't stop and get off, so I am feeling all self righteous....

I also ventured to the gym at 6am for a pt session - I'm feeling it already! And today was an epic day for the post!!! I'm normally finished my round by 1pm, but today I was 90 minutes slower....

Meanwhile, GravyC and the boys went to a miniature railway near Eastbourne. A good time was had by all, although Noo picked up another injury!

Day off tomorrow - yippee :-)

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