Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Winners - again!!

It was the final game of the Costa Blanca League today.  Our team, Las Ramblas were 4 points behind the leaders, La Manga North.  We went into the game thinking we had no chance of winning, but fate plays a strange game.

We won our games 3 - 1, so we ended up with 12 points, which gave us an overall total of 80 points, all La Manga had to do was win 2 of their 4 games and claim the bonus points, giving them 9 points and they would win by 1 point.  However, their opponents, La Manga RGA had a different agenda, overall their scores were won 2, lost 2, but La Manga RGA had a better overall points tally, so they got the bonus 3 points.  Which meant La Manga North only scored 78 points, so we won by 2 points.

This is the second consecutive year we have won the trophy.

Off out tonight to celebrate at Rodero, with red wine, steamed mussels and a fish paella.  Happy days.

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