
By dynamicmike

Supermarket Loyalty Card Application Form

My supermarket till assistant was shocked to hear that I was spending so much on shopping & didn't have a loyalty card...

She even pointed out a nice space in my wallet where I could add another piece of plastic...

Well out of courtesy, I took her application form as she was being quite forceful, no matter how often I told her that I wasn't going to fill it in.

In 2011, I actually created a much smarter system using mobile technology, and I reckon that it could make me a BILLION dollars... 
I did actually follow-up with the requirements to protect my concept, which includes Intellectual Property (IP), copyright, patent and trademark before I introduce it to the biggest suppliers, and I discovered that even after I spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on legal fees, there really is very little that we can do to protect...

and so my creation still lies dormant... if anyone has the financial and legal clout to make this happen, I'd be happy to share the rewards, so give me a nod.

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