Forgotten Piano

It's been a fine enough day, still a bit chilly but no wind or rain and the sun was warm when it made a brief appearance :)

Plenty to keep me busy this morning at the museum with photo orders coming in  and sending off and had various folk come in with photo donations and names for the database too :)
After work, I've headed up to Unst for the weekend.  I saw my sister Julie briefly before seeing her and the family off as they are going on holiday with mam to Lochness.  Kind of strange being in her house without her and the bairns, it's so quiet!!

Out for a walk around Baltasound with Sammy and discovered an old abandoned house I'd never been in before.  Buness Cottage looks like any other old but'n'ben house in Shetland but once inside, it was very grand with brick fireplaces, lovely old wooden paneled walls and lovely old furniture.  It's been a long time since the cottage has been abandoned and forgotten about, along with this old piano, never to play another song (or at least not in tune)!!

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