Skip's Blips

By Skip

I wonder...

Is she complaining about the dreich day? She looks rather unhappy about something. Actually, the weather wasn't too bad. The high temperature was only 55 degrees and it was overcast, but still enough like spring to bring a crowd out to enjoy the park. It was also the first day of spring break for a lot of students. I hope they have a good one. In addition to the crabby cardinal, I captured a colorful picture of some male wild turkeys with tail feathers fully fanned out. You can see them here.

In addition to my walk in the park today, Bob and I also participated in the annual Cross Walk held by churches in our community each year on Good Friday, the day Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. I've done a lot of walking today!

See you tomorrow, Blip friends. The weekend is here, and I hope you have a good one.

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