
Plenty of sky action today, especially this morning.

I've fished most of today with Alex my god son. I took him the The Groynes recreational area on the outskirts of Christchurch.

It's an area of ponds, small lakes and connecting streams. They're all part of the South branch of the Waimakariri River and collectively part of the flood protection scheme established to protect Christchurch from a major flood.

Some of the small lakes are stocked and presented as a junior fishery. He's been the fisherman and I've been the tie-er on-er of lures, untangle-er of tangles, unhook-er and returner of fish :-)

Alex landed 5 salmon and 2 trout. At one point I was struggling to keep up! We kept one salmon. There has been a lesson in gutting, handling etc and preparing a fish to smoke. We'll complete the smoking bit tomorrow.

There is a photo of boy with fish but he's shy and I respect that. We had a little light rain and cool conditions to begin with. The sky had a tortured look but dissolved to a hot sunny day.

It really was very good :-)

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