
By Sproutling

Stuck on a Wall

32weeks 2 days

Yes really, parent 2 had a clever idea of shoving parent 1 on a wall, 7ft up, less then a foot wide, so up she went, praying the neighbours chose not too look out their window at that moment in time, She wobbled she sat, she posed, then used parent 2 as a ladder to get back down!
The things these 2 get up to, I really don't know, **shakes head**

Parent 1 is classing me as a one person circus today, as I used her ribs as a trapeze, her bladder as a trampoline, and practiced some kind of squashed somersaults!!
I really don't know what she is complaining about, there is only so much one can do in such a small space, I can't see her offering any more any time soon, so making the most of what I do have! though she may beg to differ as she looks at this and realises just how huge she has got, even with 8 weeks still to go!


Do not try this at home!! parent 2 shoulders, a chair and a pile wood not recommend for this feat! Parent 2 says next time a ladder, parent 1 has stated Not on your nelly! next time...beach!!

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