Bohuntin Hill

Still, big thank you to blip folk for more kind comments on the Mountain Hare shot a couple of days ago.
I had a lot of desk stuff to catch up on today and early evening Caley fancied a quick tramp up Bohuntin Hill. Funny that, so did I.
It was looking pretty promising as we ascended but at the top thick mist came down and you couldn't see a thing. Navigation off this hill is aided by an arrangement of three separate summit cairns on the corners of what I would call a well conditioned triangle. As long as you can see them you know where you are and which direction to walk off in. At the time of this photo I was in the middle of the plateau and I couldn't see one of them. The last time I walked across them the shrinking snow fields were rock solid but tonight they were all mushy despite there being generally more snow scattered about.
Down below at the view point car park there were a couple of cars and group of tourists who I think were all together. Some of them were keen to talk to Caley and then they asked me handing me their Canon SLR if I would take their group photo. I hope they come out okay. This Canon like the Nikon has view finder diopter correction and this device was clearly set for someone with vision at the other end of the scale to me. It gave a  focus confirmation yet the image still looked blurred to me as I pushed the button. I gave it back to the man and he examined the images on the screen pixel peeping fashion and he seemed happy. Thank goodness.

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