CBT for beginners

By MrP


This is Beauty, a Shetland pony. She belongs to friends of my loved one. She used to live in a field with her mother but unfortunately mother died and Beauty was on her own for the first time - she started to fret. We agreed Nimbus and she would be good companions for each other and so she came to stay (Nimbus is a bit of a bully but Beauty seems quite content). Beauty looks calm and placid but I once tried sitting very tentatively on her back. She set of and bucked me off, breaking my upper right arm in the process - serves me right, silly old fool, but boy did it hurt. Here's a tip should anything similar happen to you - if you're in the hospital and looking for sympathy and/or credibility - saying you hurt your arm in a riding accident might work, saying you fell off a Shetland pony definitely will not.

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