Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles

Despite not working today, I've been really busy. I popped to the shops this morning to buy a couple of new tops and then went out to lunch with a couple of my uni friends. It was great to catch up and we had a lovely time.

After a quick tea I went out with my youngest who was walking around Haughmond Hill with his cub pack. It was a beautiful evening, still very warm but with some rain clouds starting to roll in ready for tomorrow. This photo shows a view across Shropshire as far as Wenlock Edge and Church Stretton (I think that's what the stone says on another of my photos anyway!). Telford and the Wrekin were behind me or to the left of this photo. If you know Shrewsbury you can pick out lots of landmarks when standing on the hill.

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