As it is

By asitis

Ed knits a hat, stocking stitch all the way

On Sunday, Ed decided she'd knit a hat. She has never managed to knit before, she's tried but always given up. On Sunday, she asked me to show her again, she also asked me how to purl. I did. The knit she had straight away - it seems the years of aborted attempts have been floating around in her head. The purl, well, she decided to practice on just 12 stitches for a while, she got it in no time at all.
Today, she asked me how to cast off, again, she got it straight away. She's now stitched up her hat and just needs to give it to the intended recipient.
Autonomous Edu at its best. When ready, and wanting to, she picked it up and achieved. I'm proud of her, she did good. She always said she'd never be able to knit.

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