
Another day, another page, another day in my 'Read This If You Want To Take Great Photographs' book, which, I've noticed, I appear to use more as a launchpad than a manual. Today, was about symmetry and, as an example, featured Alkan Hassan's 'Above The City'.

It was twenty to nine in the evening when I realised that I'd failed to take a symmetrical photo and that I'd need to find something in the cottage. Looking around, the chances of finding anything fitting that description seemed pretty remote and then my eyes came to rest on the top of the bureau. Given that this is a flat, horizontal surface, I'm at a loss to explain why it isn't stacked with CDs and books and bits of mail but, putting that to one side, it could loosely be described as symmetrical.

However, as I moved around in front of it with the camera I realised that the inside of the bureau - which is easily the most cluttered, untidy space in the house - is far more interesting to look at. So I decided to show both: symmetry and contrast!

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