
I should have done it before now, but things have conspired against me. The thought of a 15 and a half mile run this morning made me feel more than slightly nauseous!! Although I regularly bang out 10 and 11 miles, I haven't run further than 13 miles since I had Noo. So the challenge was, at least in part, psychological....

The first half of my run felt very easy, then I encountered a head wind going across Pevensey levels. The last 4 miles or so were incredibly hard into the wind, and it was tempting to jump into the car when I saw Gravyc and Noo with just about a mile to go. I resisted!!!

There was nowhere to park at he Cooden Beach hotel, so we headed into Bexhill and the Sovereign Light Cafe (which I have blipped before):


Before I was allowed my cup of tea I thought it would be a good idea to soothe my sore heels in the sea, but after dipping my toes in I decided against it! The water was freezing!! GravyC said he was disappointed in me!!!!! so I re submerged my feet heroically until hypothermia set in and then punished him with my whinging all afternoon ;-)

I can tell you this........keeping up with a chocolate fuelled Noo was impossible thereafter!!!

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