Home again

Sorry that this is a bit wet (that's a joke don'tcha know?) but it's all I have today. I've taken loads of shots of people at the conference I was attending but I don't post people and certainly can't from there as it wasn't what they signed up for. I have already posted some shots on the HEA Social Sciences blog because that's part of what I was there for - mainly I was "live blogging" and tweeting. Who knew that this would be a way to earn a crust?

Then I drove home - just a tad over 5 hours with a couple of breaks for coffee and a stretch so none too shabby but sadly light on photo opportunities. This was taken at Norton Canes, one of the many reasons that I'm happy to pay to use the M6 Toll road; another being that the M6 was snarled at J10 this evening.

Loved Liverpool and the conference was brilliant. Tomorrow I will do some washing and ironing and pour oil in the car (goodness knows where) and then it's back up to Manchester on Thursday. Busy old holidays so far.

I have beer - I hope your Tuesday wasn't too brutal and that your loins are girded for whatever rollercoaster the upcoming Wednesday might offer. As Hippocrates said "Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experience deceptive, judgment difficult." - let's go for it!

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