Gateway upon Wharfedale

I've had a rest day today, rest from physical exercise that is, not, unfortunately, from mental exercise - of which there has been too much. A problem came out of nowhere at work and I've been singularly unable to solve it. I had to leave the office completely at a loss as to what's going on. I'm hoping a good night's sleep will throw up some inspiration.

I've come to understand that rest days are the most important days of all when you are training hard. The body needs this time to recover and repair all the microdamage to the cells that is at the heart of the training response. I took a walk on the moor this evening which very much turned into a bimble as I slowed down and spent time soaking up the glorious evening sunlight. The forecast today was originally for it to be overcast but we were granted another day of mostly clear skies.

I ended up at White Wells, from where I watched the sun set with some rather exotic wispy clouds forming very late in the day. As these have already been blipped by Twoyearsofhappy here (and, for the record, I had no idea she was in Ilkley again stalking me - and I've decided to give her a more appropriate name too!), I'll go with this view from a familiar but favourite spot of mine. In the distance on the left you can see Great Whernside, which was the hill you could see on Sunday's blip. In the middle of the frame is the ridge and craggy summit of Simon's Seat. And to the right is Beamsley Beacon. As you can appreciate it was a privilege to be up there tonight.

Every evening this last week has disappeared into activity of one sort or another and I seem to be blipping later and later, just as my eyes close over before bed - and before I have any chance to visit any other journals. I've been left some really lovely comments this last week. It seems like Dent has fond associations for quite a few people. It certainly is a very special place. I do hope to grab an opportunity to catch up soon. In the meantime, simply many thanks for making my journal such a vibrant place.

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