Through the eyes of a child
This is Mr. L's 10 month old eye. You can see a lot reflected in it, especially if you look LARGE. It makes me wonder about what he sees, what he will remember of his days here in the back yard under the apple tree, discovering bugs, playing in the sand box, picking berries.
He tends to watch a lot - he was wary of me for a long time, sitting in a Buddha-like position, staring at me under a furrowed brow. He finally began to trust me, and now he lights up whenever he sees me which warms my heart. Every time.
I also wonder what these beautiful little eyes will see in the years to come. Will he watch as more and more of the amazing world around us is destroyed? Or will some generation between his and mine get enough things right that we can salvage some of it?
Big, uncomfortable questions to ponder when a wee one is sitting on my lap. So I try to let go for awhile and appreciate the blade of grass he's examining or the grape leaves shimmering in the breeze.
More photos of children exploring here on Photobucket.
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