On days like today I must confess I feel upset and frustrated. As you can see it's a beautiful morning, with bright sunshine and wall-to-wall blue sky so Mr HCB said he would like to walk along the promenade to Bournemouth.

Although I am walking much better, I don't think I could walk that far and felt it wasn't fair to Mr HCB for me to start and then have to turn back.

So.....Mr HCB is walking and I'm sitting in Urban Reef at Boscombe having a coffee and doing some people watching. It might be sunny but there's still a nip in the air so although there are people in the sea it's not quite warm enough for me.....yet - and besides which you do need a wet suit and I didn't bring mine!

Have a great Easter Monday and whatever you do, be blessed!

Wherever you are,
be there totally.
If you find your here and now
and it makes you unhappy,
you have three options:
remove yourself from the situation,
change it,
or accept it totally.
Eckhart Tolle

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