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Tried the dancing last night and, rather frustratingly, I won’t be giving it a go at this year’s dancing festival.  Today is the commencement of 8 days dancing.  All those rehearsals have come to nothing!  However what did cheer us up last night was an unexpected visit from some Shetlanders, down for the dance festival.  They fairly brightened up Creel HQ.

I was flat out today and into town to get some photos printed for my portfolio.  I then went to get some separate prints framed.  I then bought a medical appliance (as you do).  However I also went along to Shearer’s and they gave me a new glass teapot because the handle had fallen off the previous one (only ten weeks old).  I even cut my hand on the old one in the shop!  Folk had to step around the blood on the shop floor!  They had to get the shop first aid kit out. 

I now have two hours to myself as CMC has gone to see her nephew’s wife who is convalescing.  I have had Baz on my lap in the porch whilst I try to finish my book the Kindle.  The tea is already made. 

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