horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

You and whose army?

"Ah, Lord Finglemop," said the Spider Overseer, right hand arachnid to King Mergenfleuer, "I see you have returned, the King will be most amused. By I for one am more bemused, it was a year ago that you were banished for insurrection against his eight-legged almighty benificence. Why are you back? To beg forgiveness? To prostrate yourself at the Web Throne and pledge allegiance which was once so impossible for you to do?"

"Why no Overseer," replied Lord Finglemop, "I am here to take back what is rightfully mine. It is I that should sit in the middle of the Web Throne, I was the 765,987,123rd son of the great Queen Hrglllvrptleggor, and next in line. Mergenfleuer is merely an upstart who is barely the Cousin 345,976 times removed of my mother."

"You really think you can defeat the King, hahahahahahaha!" roared the Overseer, for Finglemop was merely a small Wolf Spider.

"I do," replied Finglemop, his serious tone and delivery devoid of all sarcasm catching the Overseer off-guard.

Still he managed to sneer, an Overseer sneer, "Hah! You and whose army!"

"This army," said Finglemop, pointing over his shoulder with his third leg.

The Overseer stopped laughing, and looked beyond Finglemop's shoulder. It couldn't be. But. It was, somehow Finglemop had gathered the forces of the Great Tadpole Army of Saltounia. He quivered and paled. Mergenfleuer really wasn't going to like this....


Lovely walk in the sun for the second day in a row... Out to Saltoun, and the newts are back in a little hidden pond, together with roughly a million tadpoles. Nice to see a Jay long enough to get a shot (even if it's blurry and distant); the Dipper on the other hand posed beautifully in front of the golden light on the water. Four more hares today as well (three hiding, the other attentive). Great Spotted Woodpeckers fighting, but not in front of the lens unfortunately. And later in the garden, playing with the macro lens and a Blue Bottle.

The morning had started as well as the rest of the day turned out, spending a lovely 20 minutes watching a Wren in the park alternately nest building and singing for a mate, before picking up the latest hire car (a basic Ford Fiesta that is so much better than the Mokka from last week), going from sunlight into cold haar in the process.

The damaged wheel is off our car, and safely with George to take to the place it can get welded tomorrow (as I'll be off to Brechin at silly o'clock).

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