Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Levens Gardens.Bank Holiday Monday.

I took many photos of the topiary garden, and from chatting to one of the guides, I was informed they are created by two Head Gardeners, from Box and Yew.
The weather was warm and sunny and the gardens were so beautifully landscaped.
There were golden daffodils, cream pansies and multi coloured polyanthus.
We joined a conducted tour of the gardens, after doing a self guided tour of Levens House. There is leather floral wallpaper, and some amazing Stuart furniture with exquisite carvings.
The house is lived in by the family who have inherited the estate.
There are many fascinating parts to the grounds including a wonderful herb garden, and development of a Secret Garden.
We walked around the willow labyrinth and marvelled at the ancient trees.

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