
By helen221

Allotment update

No photographic merit today, more of a recording progress blog shot.
When I make progress on dissertation there won't be a similar shot (that I can think of yet anyway).

New raised bed constructed today, this time from a kit - quicker, and thanks to a half price deal, not that different in price from buying the timber etc as I did for the first one.  That must be a record for me - buying the materials on Thursday and using them within 4 days!!! Normally things sit somewhere in the way for weeks, months or possibly years.

As this bed was deeper, I didn't make it entirely in the garden, but made 2 sections and then finished construction out on site, courtesy of my marvellous Makita drill/screwdriver.

The other bed (in foreground) is meant to be warming up ready for some of the seeds to go in or possibly the garlic bulbs.  Oh I don't know! The books contradict each other....

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