If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

A room without a view!

The day was spent traveling.  Brian picked me up at the Motorway and we headed south towards Cardiff.  Fortunately we weren't in a hurry as traffic was very heavy for a lot of the way.  Near Birmingham we hit several miles of nose to tail traffic shuffling along.  Eventually we came across what we thought was the cause a small car stopped in the next to the outside lane (of 4) with vehicles easing their way past.

We were wrong that was not the cause the 4 cars that had collided with each other about half a mile further on were the cause.  Fortunately the emergency services were their in force and had everything under control.

By the time we reached Cardiff our first thought was to go looking for food.  I took a few shots around the room in case I didn't get anything better.  Just as well as I didn't get anything else.

I was a little disappointed by the view from my room as you can see it looked out into and emergency stair in an enclosed space.  However I learned at breakfast the next morning I was lucky.  More of that with tomorrows shot.

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