Pick a Card...Any Card

Sleight of hand at its best. For the last 10 to 12 years, I've been in on a grand scheme with a teaching buddy of mine who teaches AP Psychology in an Oregon high school, and today was the day for this year.  When he talks about the phenomenon of extra sensory perception, he swears to them it exists. And he has a system to prove that it's true. So he has any random kid in his class draw from a deck of cards, any card, doesn't matter. Then he tells them that he has a friend who, if the class concentrates hard enough on the drawn card, can correctly identify the card. 

That's where our little cheat sheet comes in. The card drawn corresponds to a name, so if they draw, say, the seven of Clubs, my buddy will tell them he's going to call "Bob" and he'll identify the card. He even lets any kid call me..."Bob." I answer and totally ham it up with them. I tell them they aren't concentrating hard enough, think harder! Then I'll pick the card, the exact card. Their phone is set on speaker, and I can hear the whole class go "WHAAAAAATTTTT?????!!!!! NO WAY!!!!!!" I've done it, like I said, probably 12 years, and of course, my prognostication percentage...100%! 

The funniest time was about five years ago. We were in New York City and he was going to do this on St. Patrick's Day. He called first while we were at the St. Patrick's Day Parade, and I had to step inside a store so I could hear above the bagpipes, then when his afternoon class called, we were elbow to elbow at an Irish pub on 32nd Street. After we got off the phone, some kid in his class said, "Wow. He got it right, and he sounded hammered!"

This guy is an exceptional teacher. He's taught Advanced Placement and IB classes for years, and I know he really teaches kids. Yeah, we're slightly 
duping kids, but it's all in good fun. Just a couple of Jokers cut from the middle of the deck, but harmless Jokers. 

So go ahead...pick a card...any card. 

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