Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

To bee or not to bee...

...that is the question! I'm not sure if this is a bee as he had a really long proboscis that he was putting inside the flowers to collect the nectar. He looked bee-like and he hovered like a bee - maybe somebody in blipland can enlighten me?

I've spent most of today in the garden as it's been another stunner. I've edged the path and begun edging the borders but the soil is still very wet and it's been hard going. Managed to get the boys away from their computers this afternoon and M went for a bike ride to see his Dad at work and K went to play footy with his mates. It does worry me the amount of time they spend on games so I nag them relentlessly to get out of the house for fresh air and exercise.

Fingers crossed that this weather continues for the rest of the week.

Update - after finding one of these on the popular page it turns out that it's called a Bee Fly.

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