
By cowgirl


It's been a very busy day at work today, no time to even think about taking any photos. Pity, as we had a lot going on, but we were short staffed. Several of the horses are off to camp for a couple of days so their owners were busy prepping for that. Then there was a group of kiddies on a " own your own pony " day, where they get to muck out, fill hay nets, groom a pony each and then do some riding. They had a fabulous day, judging by their faces! The farrier was also with us, so inbetween manoeuvring horses and ponies and mucking them out, I was to-ing and fro-ing with the ones on today's ' manicure ' list. All good fun!

It's been a beautiful sunny day too, but luckily ( or not! ) we didn't need the services of any fire brigade. I just realised that I have been keeping the guys to myself, so thought that today was a good day to share!

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