Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Got Nuts?

In the relatively short period of time today that wasn't frenetic, I sat on the deck (wearing my fleece) and watched the comings and goings while having a nice long chat with my parents.  The squirrels have discovered the Bistro and are now quite bold about sashaying up the deck rails and onto the railing to get at the feeder.  It always makes me smile when they pop their head up over the edge of the deck rail as if to say "Got Nuts?"

The cable/internet guy showed up right on time at 12:30 and the initial part of that process went great - within 10 minutes, our internet was up and running!  I regret to say that the TV/Cable portion of the experience has been less than stellar.  The guy said "oh just put these cards in your tivo units and everything will work just fine."  He could not have been MORE wrong!  I've been jacking around with it all afternoon, including several long holds with the "help" desk (more like "helpless desk").  I think I'm making progress, but the proof will be whether we are able to actually watch anything tonight!

Meanwhile, in between rebooting tvs, tivos and cable boxes, I've managed to get all of my office boxes unpacked and put away.  Feeling pretty virtuous since last night I finished unpacking ALL the boxes in our bedroom and got our third guest room all set up.  Still have about 8 boxes to unpack in the other bedrooms, but that should be pretty easy.  Hallelujah.

And now that I have internet, I can start getting caught up with everyone!  
Three other shots of backyard birds, starting HERE   Happy Tuesday, people.


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