Looking for frogspawn

But not finding any. Made a start today on digging the wildlife pond in the back garden. Not sure about the size but am sure about the number of barrowloads of soil that have to be dug up and taken somewhere else. Now there's the problem - where can we put all this soil?

So far we've managed to distribute it around the garden, levelling up and filling in where necessary, a little in the style of Colditz where the tunnellers let sand trickle out of bags concealed under their trousers as they walked during exercise. Now we're thinking of barrowing it up the road to Susan's mum's garden that apparently needs the beds raising but that's a half mile round trip.

After the exertions of the day we went for our customary evening stroll, a four mile walk that takes in the golf course now the lighter nights are here, retracing the steps I ran this morning.

Our walk took us through the Woodland Trust and along Church Landway. Recently the Trust, after extensive consultation, required dogs to be on leads in specific areas but so far I've not seen one owner with their dogs on a lead. There's plenty of the Trust area where dogs can be let off their lead and this is clearly displayed on boards at the entrances. Why is it people so blatantly ignore things like this? Someone has even tried to wrench one of the notices off the post.

Along Chuch Landway, which has been the scene of much vandalism of footpath lighting, there is a wonderful display of daffodils, yet someone had slashed the heads of a few dozen blooms and left them strewn over the path. And then there's the litter.....

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