Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

A bit of bruising around the middle knuckle

Sent to Animal Management straight after the event...hence the slightly hysterical tone...

"Tonight, at approximately 7.15pm, we had a thump against our front door where our cats were inside our (their) home eating their food.  I went to the front door to see what the noise was just as a dog came into our home via a side entrance from our deck.  The dog was out of control and after our cats.  It chased our cats through into our lounge where 4 adults struggled to catch it while it was trying to attack our cats.  It jumped over our furniture and jumped up our walls as the cats were trying to get out of the way.  One of the adults, my 71 year old mother in law, was bitten by the dog as she tried to body block it from going further after the cats.  It took 3 adults to stop it.

It had a collar, and one adult had entered our home to come after the dog, however did not attempt to catch it.  The dog was a large black and white animal.  It had a collar but no lead. 
Usually at that time of night, my children would have been sitting watching the Simpsons in our lounge.  Thankfully tonight they were in the bathroom while this was occurring.  I dread to think what I'd be dealing with right now.
I consider this animal dangerous and out of control.  If you use your GIS system, you will see our house is right at the back of the property.  We were inside our home, and this animal was previously unknown to us.  I believe the dog was visiting one of my neighbour's homes, as his owner no longer lives full time at that address.  The address it "escaped" from is 76 Beachlands Road, Beachlands. 
While the injury sustained this evening was bruising from the teeth marks, I am concerned that this animal will cause injury or harm in future.  My cats were inside my home.  We had no interaction with this dog to instigate this event.  I do not believe that I should have to fence MY property in case of a roaming and out of control animal.
You could also contact my husband, (xxxx) as he assisted to grab the dog.  None of the people who were responsible for this animal made any attempt to assist to gain control.
I consider this a serious near miss incident.  Children, elderly people and animals (cats in particular) are at particular risk due to this animal's wild uncontrolled behaviour.
The people in charge of the animal claimed that he had jumped their fence, which is approximately 6 foot high.  However, one of the people with the dog had a ball and throwing stick which made it appear as though they were taking the dog to the park for some exercise without a lead."

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