
By TexMama

Pretty weed

I went out to a different part of the side field to take a sunset pic last night as the sun looked very cool sliding towards the horizon but my pics weren't as wonderful as the sunset was...I did however snap this tiny flower growing in the grass at the edge of the field...I have no idea what it is, but its very pretty.  It turned out to be the best thing I got for the price of a mozzie bite to the neck...yay bug season is here!  

Many thanks to Ros for identifying my little flower...there are pink and white one's that looks very much the same out there in the grass and they are identified as Wild Garlic Allium Drummondii and Wild Onion Allium Canadense. After googling I also discovered that the Cheyenne boiled wild onion with meat to flavor it and used the bulbs for food.

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