My Son's new room / a moment of the day

It seems that our son is very attracted to his new room! You maybe can see why? The room is old and quite small, but the furniture, closets and worktable are new.

A room for a finn young man. Quite neat!? You maybe can notice that his old bright coloured toy soft guns still are still in a basket under the window... And you maybe can see his father washing my father's car outdoors...? :)

This child is very reasonable man to be, I think he is very proud of the room. He actually bought himself a new (quite expencive) computer and has it also now in his room: His television is on the table and it functions too as screen of the computer.

Stormy day +9c. I was working in Helsinki today, and there was even a warning of sandstrom in my workmate's mobile! But actually there was sand in the air in Helsinki area. Strong wind up to 30meters/second recorded on coast lines. Several thousand homes are suffering power cuts in southern and central Finland...

I made a short walk in the evening in the middle of windy world and called my father to tell how good contition his dear car now is (as I have had it repaired).

8pm in the evening. Sauna is warming up.


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