Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea


Ouch. Is mainly the feeling of today.

I won the "accolade" of "juiciest infection seen this year" according to my (brilliant) dentist. I'm quite one for gore and disgustingness, but even I had to say "nope, don't tell me any more" (more like "ugh, ugh egh eh aai ore") when she was describing the goo pulsing out my tooth once she got in to it. I pointed out its only April but she assured me you only see one or two teeth a year like this. So see next time I moan about sinus pain and sudafed not working, I'm going to make a dentist appointment.

I'm still quite numb but she said to expect lots of pain tonight but to feel much better by morning. Given I woke up this morning feeling sick and like my face was going to explode I'm looking forward to that.

So once I left the dentist I went and got yogurts since they make teeth strong. And I spotted these sweeties which seemed appropriate. My brother or dad can have them though, I'm not risking it!

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