
Day Four on the Dumfries and Galloway Tourist Trail. Today, as I was in the area, I paid a visit to Ellisland Farm, which was then home of Robert Burns from 1788-1791. He was offered a choice of three farms and chose this one for its romantic setting by the Nith. Sadly,, as the soil was poor and the farm neglected, it became known as the "poet's choice" and keeping it going did nothing to improve his health. It did, however, prove inspirational for his poetry, and it was here that he wrote "Tam O'Shanter" and "Auld Lang Syne".
I was shown around by Les Byres, the Curator, who is seen in my photo. He is a mine of information on all things related to Robert Burns.
In the bookcase behind Les (which once belonged to another poet, Robert Browning) are the remaining books from one of the first ever public lending libraries, which Burns helped to found in the village of Dunscore.
After my tour of the farm, I walked along the Nith to the Hermitage at Friars Carse. It was almost like a summer's day here in Dumfries and Galloway.
Doing this project has made me appreciate even more what a wonderful place I live in.

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