Crystal clear

My amazing Mr A has worked like a trooper today (despite it being his day off and also being full of a cold), to get the greenhouse up and running.

While I was at work this morning, he's finished the base, adding a gravel floor and a central paved path.

When I got home at lunch, we put in as many panes as we could, with the clips we had.
The roof & whole left side is now glazed, but I've done such a good job cleaning that you can't see the lower panes!

I need to order replacement panes for the ones that broke and hopefully, the new clips will arrive before weekend so we can get it finished completely and go to the garden centre to get some plants.

We've been given some strawberry plants already, so that's Mr A's request sorted.
With a bit of luck, the squirrels won't manage to eat these ones!

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