
By bevwestwood


Had decided to go to Minsmere today and the thick mist this morning didn't stop me, though it did make seeing anything tricky for a while! Very atmospheric listening to the sounds of the birds on the Scrape but not being able to see them.

It gradually improved and the sun came out which warmed things up a bit. The reserve was very busy with lots of families enjoying a day out. It was good to see some youthful enthusiasm and, indeed, knowledge.

Highlight of the day was watching 2 Marsh Tits preparing their nesting site in the bottom of a hollow tree. Marsh Tits, like all members of the tit family, are not dimorphic, that is, the male and female look the same or at least similar. Pheasants on the other hand are dimorphic with the male having spectacular plumage and the female much more subdued or, some would say, drab. I think the word should be subtle because, as you can see, the female plumage is still beautiful.

The mist was never far away and kept rolling in, keeping the temperature low but it's most definitely Spring.

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