Daff turn

Arrived back home late morning having stayed over in Glasgow to attend a Sharon Robinson concert.  It was quite a treat.

Sharon is best known as a collaborator of Leonard Cohen.  She was also one of the backing singers for him when he resumed touring.  She is a substantial artist in her own right with a gorgeous bluesy voice and an inclination towards the melancholy side of love.  As well as working with Cohen, she is a songwriter in her own right and has just released her second cd.  Hence the short tour.

For much of the concert, Sharon was on her own accompanying herself on piano.  At other times she was joined by a trumpeter and another pianist who just happened to be her son.  Her set was well chosen from her own work and from her collaborative work with Cohen.  The highlight for me was her rendition of 'Alexandra Leaving' - the whole audience was intensely quiet as she sang knowing that this was special.  And when she ended the long final note when we all stood up and applauded very heartily indeed.

She met up with folks after the concert; signed my cd and chatted away.

It's been a while since such a night out.  Tired for much of the day.  Guess I am just out of practice.

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