Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Where did it Go?

I know, I know, I said I was going to work on my web site but the weather was great and Mrs. Joesblips is coming to the end of her Easter Holidays from work (a school) so she kind of pleaded with me to take her to the beach.
What a surprise we got. Arriving at Castletown we discovered that this was as far as we could go with the car. It's about eighteen months since we were last there and in the intervening period the sea has eaten away a good 20 feet (7 metres) of the coast including the grassy trail down which we used to be able to drive. In fact it was possible to drive roughly half way into this picture. Not any more.
Ah well ! It will keep away the hordes of disruptive people who come here every summer in their camper vans and bringing everything including the kitchen sink. They stay the whole summer, pay nothing, drink and make merry all day and mostly all night too, playing raucous stuff which they classify as music (very loudly) and depart leaving a couple of month's rubbish behind them. That hopefully means more peace and quiet for we locals.

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