The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Day 2: chocolate cloud tart

...not to mention oat, seed and nut bread; muesli scones, and spiced carrot and seed cake! (My manic grin because I've been posing for this photo for about five minutes while I explain light metering basics. If you want to know the true age of a woman, look at her neck. I'm 108).

All is going well: the greatest disaster so far is the realisation that I forgot, or never even knew, that I was supposed to bring several containers of different types to take away my creations tomorrow! Oops. I am travelling by train. However, a rescue plan is under way as I speak.

Other highlights of the day include the enormous quantities of food that are included within the meals and snacks here (cooked breakfast if you want it; three course lunches and suppers, and the thought of a sampling/banquet tomorrow of all the dishes we've made in the cookery school!

I've also been to the village pub (quote of the day: "if that's their happy hour, I'd hate to see them when they're miserable") and to a performance of song and dance/show tunes from the participants on another course. One of them is 92, and did a tap dancing course last year, and flamenco the year before that.

They're gonna wash that man right out of their hair....

PS I think today is my actual 1,000th blip, as opposed to that cheaty blip party I had 23 days ago.

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