Here's me tempting my co-worker and fellow wingmanperson to pose for a photo, ostensibly because I like having wee photos of all my contacts when they phone me. Well, I do! Not a word of a lie. She's aff to France next week - you can tell how much she's going to be missing me.
After work, blimey, it was a bit of a run around. Off to the garage, down to the boat, fitting the tiller, digging out the mooring lines and fenders and dropping the boat keys off at Jimmie's. And then I found out that the whole thing is probably going to be called off due to high winds. At least I got a cup of tea half way through all the rushing about. Talking about cups of tea, I've been enjoying a few black beers this evening, whilst pondering deeply on the pros and cons of non-dom status. Before that, I'd caught up with the BBC leaders' debate from last night. I'm a plum. Why can't I just enjoy life?
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